127th Batt. (12th Regt. York Rangers) CEF K/C
Bronze cap badge with 2 loops to reverse. Maker's name Ellis Bros. of Montreal. Ref Cox 635 read more
8th Canadian Railway Troops CEF K/C
Bronze cap badge with red cloth inset and 2 loops to reverse. Maker's name plate J.R.Gaunt of London. Ref Cox 884 read more
204th Independent Infantry Brigade
Woven cloth formation sign. Blue triangle with 3 inners of green, grey and buff. Good quality weave in silk. Ref Cole p131 read more
56th (London) Division K/C
Khaki drill officer's epaulette. Served in Palestine, Syria and Iraq. Consists of general service button, formation sign and crown. Ref Cole p47 read more
1st Norfolk Artillery Volunteers QVC c.1860
Very rare silver plated Officers fur cap grenade with slide and plume holder to reverse. Light silver plate. A scripted NAV with 1 below read more
Black Watch K/C
Officer's smaller size silver and flat gilt waist belt clasp. 2½" by 2" in size. Possibly for Levi dress read more
Dublin Fusiliers pre 1903
Two part brass shoulder title. Flat loops to reverse on both parts. Grenade over DF. Ref Westlake 1427 read more
Pembrokeshire Yeomanry (Fishguard)
Pair of anodised aluminium collar badges each with 1 loop to reverse and backing plate read more
25.00 GBP