1st Vol. Batt. Yorkshire Regt. 1905-08
White metal cap badge with 2 loops to reverse. Honours to South Africa 1900-02
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9th Tank Corps
Cast bronzed or brass arm badge with 2 loops to reverse. Divisional sign of the 3rd French Infantry awarded to the 9th Tank Corps after support at the battle of Morevil in 1918 read more
RAF Wireless Operator
Woven cloth half brevet worn on the breast. Issued AMO A1242 (1943). Flat type. Ref Badges and Uniform of the RAF Hobart p64 read more
RAF Ground Gunner
Woven cloth badge worn on the right sleeve only. Badge redundant by 1942. Some moth to base but a rare thing read more
Trafalgar House School Winchester K/C
Very scarce white metal cap badge with 2 loops to reverse. A private school run by the Naish family for a 100 years. In 1913 amalgamated with Peter Symonds School after having its own OTC. An 8 pointed star with King's crown above circlet with 'England expects every man to do his duty'. Within the circle a shield depicting 3 clovers and an inverted chevron, surmounted by a Tudor rose w... read more
22nd Field Battery Royal Artillery (The Residency)
Brass pagri badge on red and black cloth backing. Honour title to commemorate the part played by the ancestor battery 4th Company 1st Battalion Bengal Artillery in the defence of Lucknow during the Indian Mutiny. Some wear to brass. Ref Litchfield Pagri badges read more
T Northern Cyclist
Brass shoulder title with 3 loops to reverse. T cut to a 1 as the 1st Battalion did as a matter of pride to differentiate between them and the 2nd Battalion. Maker's name J.R.Gaunt & Son Birmingham. Ref Westlake 1577 read more
Artillery Regulars K/C 1901-14
Officer's gilt helmet plate with 3 loops to reverse. Ref K&K Vol1 807 read more