39th Indian Division
Woven cloth slip over formation sign. Originally the 1st Burma Infantry Division composed of the 1st and 2nd Burma brigades. Fought in the withdrawal in 1942. A tulwar in white on dark green circle. A bit faded. Ref Cole p83 read more
Middlesex Regt.
Officer's silver on felt pagri badge with 2 loops to reverse.Worn on the slouch hat/pith helmet. Silver collar on regimental colours yellow and dark red read more
55.00 GBP
1st Kent Home Guard
Scarce 2nd phase Home Guard formation sign, title and pair of Kent 1 shoulder titles. Only Kent and Lincolnshire had distinctive formation signs for 2nd phase Home Guard. All woven cloth. Good condition read more
Royal Regiment of Gloucestershire and Hampshire Q/C
Very scarce officer's bullion cap badge of the regiment that never was, the proposed amalgamation of the Gloucestershire and Royal Hampshire regiments in 1970, cancelled before it was adopted. Sphinx of Gloucester and rose of Hampshire on a star surmounted by a Queen's crown all in bullion wire on a cloth background read more
4th Devonshire Rifle Volunteer Corps (Barnstaple) QVC
Other ranks
White metal helmet plate with 3 loops to reverse. Redesignated 4th VB in 1885. Ref Westlake Rifle Vols. p35 read more
Royal Artillery / 567 LAA / Searchlight Regt.
Woven cloth combination formation sign. R.A. title with Anti-aircraft Command, one arm of service stripe and 567 LAA / Searchlight Regt. below all on khaki. In good condition read more
3rd Militia Batt. Royal West Surrey QVC
Other ranks bi-metal helmet plate with 3 loops to reverse. Raised in Guildford in 1759 as 2nd Surrey Militia and redesignated 3rd Batt. July 1881. White metal plate with brass Paschal lamb to centre. Very good condition read more
Royal Armoured Corps K/C
Pair of officer's bronze collar badges each with 2 loops to reverse read more
Royal Irish Fusiliers
Bi-metal piper's caubeen badge with 2 loops to reverse. Large grenade and coronet with emblem of captured French eagle to centre. Grenade in brass, eagle and coronet in white metal. Measures 90mm by 45mm. Slight wear to eagle's chest. Usually regimental property and hard to come by. Worn post WWI until 1960. Ref Gaylor plate 27 read more
28th London Artists Rifles
Super condition officer's silver cap badge with 2 loops to reverse. Sealed 1938. Maker's name Firmin of London. Ref K&K Vol2 2426 read more